You Have Failed Me Once Do Not Fail Me Again

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For other uses, see Firmus.

Firmus Piett was a Human being male who was the final admiral of the Imperial Navy's Decease Squadron, Darth Vader's personal fleet of Star Destroyers. Coming from humble beginnings on the backwater Outer Rim world of Axxila, Piett began his naval career with the Axxila antipirate fleet. Though his posting was non notable, Piett'due south inventiveness, dedication and integrity made his domicile sector the safest in the Outer Rim. Piett made an extraordinary number of arrests and suppressions of smugglers and pirates, and his record earned the attention of high-ranking officers on Imperial Center.

His star ascent in the Majestic Navy, Piett was given the captaincy of the Regal I-form Star Destroyer Accuser, seeing service at the Battle of Turkana earlier beingness picked out to serve in Vader's Death Squadron, which prowled the galaxy searching for Rebel Brotherhood headquarters. When command of the fleet's flagship, the Star Dreadnought Executor, became vacant, Vader selected Piett to fill the post. Every bit captain of the Executor, Piett relentlessly searched for the subconscious Alliance base while secretly undermining his superior, Admiral Kendal Ozzel. At the Boxing of Hoth, Ozzel was summarily executed by Vader for incompetence, allowing Piett to swiftly step into the loftier admiral's role.

Though he was criticized for his swift ascent to the acme of the control concatenation, Piett set himself nearly his task with enthusiasm, though he feared that he would come across the aforementioned fate as Ozzel. He made several potentially fatal blunders soon afterward his promotion but was able to shift arraign as he had done in the by. Following the failed capture of Luke Skywalker at Bespin, the Executor was taken dorsum to Majestic Center, leaving Piett to command the Accuser once more. In 4 ABY, though, Piett was in one case once again on the bridge of the Star Dreadnought, commanding the Imperial fleet in the Boxing of Endor. Piett perished in the battle when an RZ-ane A-wing interceptor piloted by Green Leader, Arvel Crynyd rammed into the Executor 's bridge.


  • 1 Biography
    • Early on career
    • 1.two Captaincy of the Accuser
    • i.iii Service with Death Squadron
    • 1.4 Captaincy of the Executor
    • i.5 Admiralty
    • 1.half-dozen The Battle of Mygeeto
    • Expiry at the Boxing of Endor
  • 2 Personality and traits
  • three Backside the scenes
  • 4 Appearances
    • four.1 Non-canon appearances
  • 5 Sources
  • six Notes and references
  • seven External links

Biography [ ]

Early career [ ]

Piett addresses ii captured smugglers.

Firmus Piett was born on the Outer Rim ecumenopolis of Axxila during the late Republic Archetype era. After the corporate interests that controlled the Ciutric Hegemony alleged for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Piett's family was among the then-called "Complimentary Axxilans" who relocated to Halmad. From his teenage years, Piett sought a military career, and he entered the Naval University of the Quelii sector, graduating only days before the Clone Wars came to an cease in nineteen BBY.[2]

Due to the fact that he had no connections with the Core Worlds, Piett'south naval career was mired by his background and he was forced to work in his native sector, the backworld Ciutric Hegemony. With the Annunciation of a New Lodge and the ensuing Imperialization of the milky way, the Axxila antipirate fleet became a task strength of the Regal Navy. For decades, the antipirate fleet'due south patrols had illegally enriched themselves by ignoring smugglers and pirates, simply Piett refused to do so. His record with the fleet was flawless, and he made a tremendous amount of "arrests and suppressions." Piett had the good fortune to enter the service before long later the reform-minded Moff Pensar Luc became the Hegemony's governor. Luc assigned Piett to a new job force staffed by trustworthy officers and directed them to crush piracy in the region.[2]

Piett'southward reputation for integrity chop-chop took him through the ranks, reaching the rank of lieutenant[6] by 13 BBY, at the age of twenty-six.[1] [7] He shortly assumed leadership of the Axxila merchandise enforcement operations, making the Ciutric Hegemony 1 of the safest sectors in the Outer Rim,[1] He received various commendations for his actions, and carefully cultivated his contacts in the Core Worlds, going as far as to reshape his Outer Rim accent in favour of the clipped tones of a Coruscanti.[eight] [9] [2]

Piett's record and feel caught the eye of Lord Darth Vader. Instead of feeling a sense of pride in his new patronage, however, Lieutenant Piett remained only cautiously optimistic as many of his superiors were high-strung to death through the Forcefulness by Darth Vader. During this time, Lieutenant Piett noticed how Vader grew increasingly obsessed with hunting downwards the newly-formed Insubordinate Alliance. He was also aware of Vader's hugger-mugger project on Kamino and how information technology diverted vast resource from the Imperial fleet, including at least ane Imperial I-class Star Destroyer and several of the new terror units. In an intercepted personal correspondence belonging to Piett, he mentioned how Vader executed several officers because of their failure to prevent the escape of his "most prized test subject." Piett feared that his rise through the ranks would inevitably lead to a command nether the Sith Lord. Due to the loftier mortality rate of the officers who served direct under Vader, Piett requested a transfer to the Coruscant Defense Armada before more than promotions brought him inside closer proximity to Vader and his utter lack of tolerance for failure.[6]

Captaincy of the Accuser [ ]

Helm Piett overlooking a space battle.

Despite his efforts to escape Vader, Piett was singled out by the Supreme Commander, who around one BBY selected the Axxilan equally captain of the Purple I-class Star Destroyer Accuser.[10] Afterwards Imperial Intelligence detected a concentration of Insubordinate warships around the planet Turkana in the Pakuuni sector, the Accuser was one of 10 Imperial-class Star Destroyers committed to eliminate them.[11]

Captain Piett's Accuser provided primary support for Captain Xamuel Lennox's Tyrant at the Battle of Turkana. Lennox ordered the launch of Necktie/sa bombers to target the engines of the seven Mon Calamari Star Cruisers orbiting the planet, with TIE/LN starfighters and Necktie/IN interceptors operating in support. All the same, the Rebel warships launched iii squadrons of BTL Y-wing starfighters and two squadrons of the new T-65 X-wing starfighters in response. Piett attempted to warn Lennox of the threat posed by the Ten-wings' advanced capabilities, only Lennox did not modify his tactics, confident in his superior numbers. Displaying comparable maneuverability to the TIE Fighters and protected by heavy deflector shields, the 10-wings closed with the TIE Fighters and Interceptors and left the less-maneuverable Y-wings gratuitous to attack the TIE Bombers. Believing that Lennox's actions had price the Empire victory, Piett positioned the Accuser to burn down its turbolasers along the bombers' attack path, vaporizing many Y-wings and allowing a single TIE Bomber squadron to evangelize its payload, knocking out the engines of an MC80 Star Cruiser. By this point, however, the 10-wings had neutralized nigh all of the Empire's TIE Fighters and were closing to help the Y-wings destroy the remaining TIE Bombers. Piett ordered the whole task strength to close to full weapons range, but without a starfighter screen, they were unable to forbid the Rebel X-wings from launching a proton torpedo strike against the Star Destroyers Formidable and Ajax, severely dissentious both vessels. Captain Lennox then ordered the chore force to retreat.[xi]

Piett prepared a mission report in the aftermath of the battle, recommending the deployment of larger numbers of TIE Interceptors when facing Rebel Ten-wings in future, and also advocated the use of tractor beams to snare and slow down small-scale, fast-moving targets and assist Imperial gunners. He also recommended the removal of Captain Lennox from control of naval operations in the Pakuuni sector, and submitted a campaign program for Functioning Strike Fearfulness, the Empire'southward reprisal for the defeat, with the written report, declaring his readiness to command the operation.[11]

Service with Expiry Squadron [ ]

"Since the Insubordinate uprising, neutrality is an act of insolence! A punishable human activity."
―Firmus Piett [12]

Firmus Piett, aboard the Accuser.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, Vader selected Piett to serve with Death Squadron, his personal fleet of Star Destroyers blockading Yavin 4. Piett served under the fleet leadership of Admiral Amise Griff, who commanded from Vader's flagship, the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor.[ane] Several months afterwards the Battle of Yavin, the Accuser came across the planet of Kabal, which was claiming neutrality in the Galactic Ceremonious War. Since the Empire considered neutrality insolent, the captain had the Accuser set on Kabal. Amongst the craft fleeing from the planet was the Millennium Falcon, a ship with known Alliance connections. Piett's fighters pursued the Rebel craft, until it entered the general vicinity of a collapsed dwarf star. Not willing to adventure his ships almost such an unstable entity, Piett had the fighters return to the Accuser.[12] [xiii]

On approach to the Rebel base at Yavin 4, Piett was on lath the Executor when it fell under attack from Insubordinate pilot Vrad Dodonna. Seeking to curry favor with the Dark Lord,[xiv] Piett personally congratulated Vader when Dodonna's set on failed. Dodonna would after perish when he attempted to ram the Executor.[fifteen] During the Evacuation of Yavin, in which the forces of the Galactic Empire collection the Alliance to Restore the Republic out of their hidden fortress, Admiral Griff perished in an adventitious collision.

Griff'southward position of Death Squadron'due south admiral was filled by Captain Kendal Ozzel. Piett projected an unflappable demeanor and took a no-nonsense approach to operations, which won him control of the Executor in Ozzel'southward place.[1] At some point, Piett and so-Admiral Ozzel observed a fleet gathering that included large squadrons of Tie Advanced starfighters, several Bellator-class Star Battlecruisers, Allegiance-class heavy Star Destroyers, Imperial-class Star Destroyers, and Procursator-class Star Destroyers.[2]

An early assignment saw the crews of the Executor and the Royal Star Destroyer Avenger sweeping the sensor-baffling Blackness Widow Nebula for the Star Destroyer Eradicator and a courier corvette under the control of Captain Sodarra. During the search, the freighter Millennium Falcon entered the area, and the Executor ordered it to boost to. Piett and a community team of spacetroopers were ferried to the ship in a spacetrooper shuttle. As the troopers swept through the ship on their inspection, Piett questioned the freighter's captain, Han Solo, on whether he had encountered the corvette or the Eradicator. Solo had not, and mentioned that his flying had originated on Ord Mantell. When the customs sweep revealed that the send was all but empty, Piett's curiosity was piqued, wondering how the airplane pilot of an empty freighter would have money to fritter abroad on Ord Mantell. Solo began to propose bribing Piett, which infuriated the Imperial to a degree that he had the freighter airplane pilot and his first mate, the Wookiee Chewbacca, thrown in the Executor 'south brig. The pair would later escape custody.[xvi]

Captaincy of the Executor [ ]

"I think we've got something, sir. The report is only a fragment from a probe droid in the Hoth arrangement, but it's the best lead we've had."
"Nosotros take thousands of probe droids searching the milky way. I want proof, not leads!"
―Firmus Piett and Kendal Ozzel — (audio) Listen (file info) [5]

Piett and Admiral Kendal Ozzel, some time prior to the latter's demise.

For several years, Piett and his crew searched for the new Alliance base following the rout at Yavin. The bulk of the Rebels were able to escape capture or death during that boxing, and had established a new base of operations of operations somewhere in the galaxy.[1] Every bit captain, Piett personally oversaw the transport's staffing, handpicking officers such as time to come-Commander Gherant.[17] Piett began to learn the workings of Expiry Squadron's chain of control and had heard about Vader'south execution of unsatisfactory officers. The captain swore to himself that he would not fall prey to the Dark Lord'south wrath by making a uncomplicated corrigendum.[nine]

Equally Expiry Squadron'south hunt for the Rebel base of operations continued, Piett came to despise Admiral Ozzel: the Admiral was alternately impetuous and languorous, and had a addiction of ridiculing his subordinates' ideas and findings to protect his position. Piett regarded Ozzel as incompetent in his command and completely unsuited for the chore of ridding the milky way of the Rebellion, whom Piett saw as next-generation Separatists. Information technology was generally perceived that Admiral Ozzel had as much power over the fleet as Vader did, just Piett knew better and took to studying his superior officer, and then as to capitalize on the admiral's blunders. In doing so, he earned Ozzel'south ire, merely constitute a mode he could ascend in rank.[2] [9]

Around 1 ABY,[18] Piett was temporarily stationed at the Emperor's Retreat on Naboo,[19] before existence transferred to Dathomir. There, an outbreak of Majestic bioweapons Projection I71A had been reported. A Quarantine Zone had been set upwards, and further reports were stemming from the Imperial Research and Prison Facility, telling of the outbreak. Piett tasked an Royal operative with retrieving a sample of the virus from the Quarantine Zone for further study. He also charged the operative with rescuing any survivors amongst the scientists and exploring the facility itself.[xx] In one case the operative had completed his goals, and saved the embattled scientists, Vader himself contacted the operative, congratulating them. Piett then rewarded them with a Flare-S dive.[21]

Piett gives Vader a condition report on the performance of the Executor.

Vader, in the years post-obit the Battle of Yavin, learned that the man who had destroyed the offset Decease Star was in fact Luke Skywalker, his son. In the hopes of converting Skywalker to the dark side of the Strength, Vader became obsessed with tracking down the young Rebel, devoting much of Death Squadron'south time and resources to the hunt.[22] In 2 ABY, Vader received a manual from Governor Bin Essada of Gyndine, who claimed that Captain-Supervisor Grammel, who oversaw Imperial operations on Circarpous V, had captured Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker. Grammel had too run into intelligence of a powerful stone, the Kaiburr crystal, that could heighten ane'due south usage of the Force. The idea of possessing the crystal and the Rebels was bonny to Vader, and so he ordered Piett to accept the Executor to Circarpous V. The ship was operating at meridian efficiency, merely Vader warned the helm that he would tolerate no delays. Upon reaching Circarpous V, the Dark Lord was unable to acquire either the Kaiburr crystal or the ii fugitives.[23]

Vader would not be deterred still, prompting him to gear up a trap on Verdanth. A Viper probe droid, continued to the Executor via a cybernetic link, transmitted a distress bespeak and waited for Rebels to come across it, hoping to attempt a "rescue." Certain enough, the probe did detect a Rebel presence, but it was only a pair of droids. Piett, disappointed at the news, informed Vader, but the Dark Lord was confident that more than entities would be lured to the scene. Somewhen, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo reached the planet, prompting Vader to activate the cybernetic link. Using the Force, Vader attempted to extract the location of the Insubordinate base of operations from Skywalker, merely failed.[24]

In 3 ABY, Expiry Squadron resumed its search for the Rebel base of operations. Finally, a Viper probe droid reported that it had found a possible candidate in the Hoth system. Knowing that Admiral Ozzel would dismiss the finding, Piett waited until Lord Vader was on the span of the Executor before alerting his superior. Ozzel predictably passed the discovery off as a subconscious smuggler base of operations or something like, but Vader was convinced that information technology was the Brotherhood base and the location of Skywalker. Acting on the captain'south advice, Vader ordered the Executor to the Hoth organisation.[1] The admiral had been made to look a fool, souring him in Vader'south eyes merely every bit Piett had planned. At the same fourth dimension, the Axxilan had fabricated himself announced sharp and calculating, gaining him a small-scale degree of favor.[9]

Admiralty [ ]

"Captain Piett."
"Yes, my Lord."
"Make ready to land our troops across their energy shield and deploy the fleet and so that nothing gets off the system. You are in command now, Admiral Piett."
"Thank you, Lord Vader."
―Darth Vader promotes Firmus Piett [five]

Piett receives his unorthodox promotion to admiral as his predecessor is killed by Darth Vader.

Ozzel brought the fleet out of hyperspace shut to the Hoth organisation in hopes of surprising the Rebels before they could organize their defenses. However, information technology alerted the Alliance to Decease Squadron's presence. The commanders of Repeat Base raised their energy shield, preventing the planned bombardment of the base by the Regal armada. Vader was outraged that Ozzel's tactical blunder forced him to take the base via a potentially plush footing performance. He promptly contacted Ozzel and Piett and choked Ozzel to expiry with the Force. As Piett watched, Vader ordered him to prepare a basis set on and use the fleet to blockade Hoth. To Piett's surprise, Vader also gave him a field promotion to high admiral earlier Ozzel's body had fifty-fifty striking the floor.[5] Piett's offset human action equally loftier admiral was to have his predecessor'southward corpse disposed of.[xiv]

With Captain Venka now in command of the Executor,[viii] junior officers formed betting pools on Piett's life expectancy, since Vader's admirals tended not to last very long in the role.[1] Nevertheless, Piett defended himself to his task. General Maximilian Veers and Blizzard Force were able to overcome the Insubordinate defenders during the Battle of Hoth, but many enemy arts and crafts made it through the blockade.[5] After landing on the planet, Piett briefly toured the remains of Echo Base before informing Vader that seventeen Rebel ships had been destroyed while trying to flee. Vader cared little, since his principal target was the Millennium Falcon. With that ship and its coiffure of Han Solo, Leia Organa, C-3PO, and Chewbacca every bit bait, Vader was confident he could lure Luke Skywalker into a trap. As such, Vader's only business organisation was for the Millennium Falcon, and he cared little for the outcome of the battle itself.[25] [26]

The Executor set off after the Millennium Falcon, pursuing it away from Hoth, merely the Brotherhood craft sought refuge in the system'south asteroid field. Piett was concerned that the field'southward debris would cause meaning harm to Death Squadron'due south cruisers, but Vader was undeterred. Making his written report, Piett became one of the few people to ever see the Dark Lord's caput unmasked. TIE/sa bombers were dispatched to try and force Captain Solo out, while the rest of the armada swept the arrangement, just their efforts were to no avail. The new high admiral was given lilliputian time to relax, nonetheless, equally he received a manual from Emperor Palpatine himself. The Emperor demanded to speak to Vader, and as Piett informed Vader, he was ordered to move the Executor out of the asteroid field, in the hopes of sending a clear transmission.[5]

To Piett's distaste, Vader summoned a grouping of compensation hunters to the Executor in gild to make use of their services in locating the Millennium Falcon.[5] The admiral was especially disturbed by the presence of the ruthless and infamous Boba Fett.[25] Piett was confident that Death Squadron could and would observe the craft, and his organized religion seemed to be well invested when a report from the Majestic II Star Destroyer Avenger claimed that they were in pursuit of the Millennium Falcon. Pleased, he alerted Lord Vader, but to learn soon afterwards that the transport had disappeared after what appeared to be a suicidal attack on the Avenger. Terminating the Avenger 'due south helm, Lorth Needa, Vader ordered Piett to disperse the fleet along several trajectories in the search for the Millennium Falcon. The Dark Lord was not pleased, and fabricated no hesitation in carrying his mood to the fearful Piett, who was sharply reminded of his predecessor'due south fate.[v]

Piett, struck with fear as he watches the Millennium Falcon make the jump to lightspeed.

Following the dispersal of Death Squadron, Vader received a manual from Fett, who had located Solo and the Millennium Falcon on Bespin'due south Cloud City. Vader subsequently ordered Piett to have the Executor there with all due haste.[27] Upon reaching the floating city, Piett sent a squad downwardly to sabotage the Millennium Falcon 's hyperdrive unit, preventing the Rebels' escape if they were to find their way out of Vader's trap. Meanwhile, Vader'due south men captured Solo, Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO. Vader somewhen returned from the metropolis empty-handed, despite the fact that Skywalker had taken the allurement. Eventually, the Millennium Falcon fabricated its way away from Cloud Metropolis, with the Executor trailing close behind. At Vader'south behest, he ordered Lieutenant Cecius to ready the boarding party, before ordering the activation of the Star Destroyer's tractor beam. To Piett's surprise and fear, the Millennium Falcon successfully made the bound to lightspeed. The loftier admiral's error would have been fatal at whatever other time, but Vader was as well conflicted since Skywalker, his son, had refused to join him.[five] Following the Bespin debacle, Piett filed a report on Vader'due south deportment, which was eventually read by the Emperor himself.[28]

Around this time, Piett sent a group of Imperial agents to the planet Almas in the Cularin system, to investigate reports of Alliance activity at that place.[29]

The Battle of Mygeeto [ ]

Piett became a legend within the Navy for his survival after Bespin. Though he became known as an admiral and then valuable that even Vader would not execute him, Piett sensed that he had been saved more due to something at work inside Vader'south heed than his own accomplishments.[2] He was notably transferred from Vader's flagship several times, though he always found his style dorsum to the Executor.

Onetime later the development of the TIE/D Defender, a Rebel base was discovered on Mygeeto. Vader took the Executor at that place, leaving Piett in charge of starfighter control. The admiral showtime sent out a squadron of fighters to determine the Insubordinate presence in the area, before learning that the Alliance was sending their own scout ships to investigate the Executor 's position. Piett personally briefed one pilot in particular, updating him on the status of the campaign. He sent the pilot and his wingmates after the Rebel lookout ships, which were located in Zuborte Ma, the Mygeeto asteroid field.[30]

Piett briefs the "Regal Ace."

Though the sentinel ships were destroyed, the Rebels sent a armada to attack the Executor, hoping to preemptively stave off a possible assault on the Mygeeto base. Piett scrambled fighters to defend, with his craft decimating the strength of GR-75 medium transports, CR90 corvettes, and EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates. The private airplane pilot he had been briefing distinguished himself, leading the admiral to recommend the ace to Vader. The Dark Lord somewhen led the attack on the base, routing the Alliance and claiming the planet in the name of the Empire.[30]

When Vader returned to Imperial Center with the Executor, Admiral Ledre Okins was given temporary command on the recommendation of Emperor Palpatine. Piett was briefly transferred dorsum to the Accuser, from which he carried out the work of Vader's Death Squadron.[ane] At some phase, Piett culled himself a personal adviser from the airplane pilot corps: Tie Fighter ace Chiraneau.[31] Months after the Bespin incident, Piett was ordered to accept an unpredictable route from system to organisation, in hope of finding the Alliance Fleet. Since the chance of success for that tactic was very depression, the admiral suspected that Palpatine had something else in mind.[32]

Death at the Battle of Endor [ ]

Bridge officer: "Sir, nosotros've lost our bridge deflector shield."
Firmus Piett: "Intensify the frontwards batteries. I don't desire anything to go through… Intensify forward firepower!"
Gherant: "Too late!"
―Admiral Firmus Piett'southward concluding moments[src]

Several months subsequently, once more on the Executor, Piett was given command of the substantial Imperial fleet amassed at Endor to trap the Brotherhood and defend the Death Star 2,[1] afterward ferrying Vader to the incomplete battlestation to oversee the terminal phases of structure.[27] Piett's nephew, former Rebel Sarkli, was also present[33] to serve alongside the garrison on the woods moon.[34] Operations and preparations at Endor, overseen in part by the Executor,[35] went smoothly until the shuttle Tydirium attempted to land on the forest moon. The transport was transmitting an older, though still legitimate, Royal lawmaking, sowing seeds of suspicion in Piett'south listen. Vader soon took discover of the issue and ordered Piett to allow the shuttle to land, assuring his admiral that he would personally deal with the occupants. The shuttle was somewhen revealed to have been carrying an Alliance strike team, who had the intent of destroying the Death Star's shield generator on the forest moon. The shield generator was the battlestation'due south main line of defense force, and its eradication would exit the Death Star vulnerable to attack.[3]

Palpatine, acting through Vader, sent the fleet to the far side of Endor, in social club to hide information technology from the enemy armada when they arrived. Soon afterwards, the Brotherhood Armada entered the Endor system, prompting Piett'southward fleet to come up out of hiding. Pitted against the renowned Mon Calamari Admiral Gial Ackbar, Piett's forces blocked the Alliance'due south escape vector, while his fighters were dispatched to engage their Alliance counterparts.[3] Piett was given direct orders from Palpatine to not directly assail and engage the Alliance craft, and then his fleet began to endure from enemy General Lando Calrissian's tactic of having the Alliance capital ships engage the Star Destroyers at point-blank range.[1] Due to this, Piett's operation as a commander and a tactician was greatly hindered,[32] and the Death Star could no longer use its superlaser confronting the enemy arts and crafts, since they were now nestled up against the Imperial cruisers.[3]

Crynyd crashes into the bridge of the Executor, killing Piett and the rest of the ship's bridge crew.

When the Death Star's shield finally fell, many of the Alliance starfighters swept into the battlestation's superstructure, with a swarm of Imperial craft in pursuit. Ackbar ordered a concentrated assail on the Executor and the Star Dreadnought lost its bridge deflector shield when ii fighters destroyed the portside generator. Concerned, Piett ordered his crewmen to amplify the Executor 'due south defensive burn down, just information technology was too little, likewise late.[3] Equally Piett relayed this order, an RZ-1 A-wing interceptor piloted by Arvel Crynyd, leader of Green Squadron was struck past turbolaser burn and spun out of control. Crynyd managed to regain what petty control he had and went direct for the bridge. Gherant saw it coming and screamed that it was too late. Piett whipped around, saw the incoming fighter and reflexively dived for encompass equally the A-Fly slammed into the Executor 's bridge. The craft promptly exploded and obliterated the bridge, destroying it and killing Piett, Gherant, and the unabridged bridge crew. The foundering vessel, trapped in the Death Star's gravity well, plummeted into the battlestation in a gargantuan fireball. The Battle of Endor was eventually lost by the Empire, with Palpatine dying his first death at the hands of the redeemed Anakin Skywalker, who besides perished.[36]

Personality and traits [ ]

"Compensation hunters! We don't need their scum… Those Rebels won't escape us."
―Admiral Firmus Piett — (audio) Listen (file info) [5]

Admiral Firmus Piett.

Firmus Piett, in his admiralty, garnered himself a set of detractors who claimed that he only achieved the rank because Darth Vader had such a depression tolerance for failure. This was non exactly true: Vader chose to crew his ships with the Empire's finest officers, regardless of their politics and background. Autonomously from Thrawn, Vader chose not to employ Palpatine's Grand Admirals, since Piett displayed talent that rivaled them anyway.[one] He was, however, hindered in moments of slap-up restraint, every bit displayed at the Boxing of Endor. Unable to set on due to the Emperor's orders, Piett'southward fleet was somewhen decimated past the Brotherhood craft.[35]

Piett had a reputation for dandy integrity, ending the owned abuse that had plagued the Axxila antipirate armada early in his career and making a tape number of arrests of pirates and smugglers. Nether his control, the antipirate fleet turned the Ciutric Hegemony into one of the safest sectors in the Outer Rim. He was likewise intolerant of those who did non run across his high standards, especially Admiral Kendal Ozzel, whom he saw as dangerously mercurial and incompetent, and hated the Empire's reliance on bounty hunters.[25] Like many Imperial Loyalists, he regarded the Rebel Brotherhood equally being little more than next-generation Separatists, piddling ameliorate than those that had forced his family unit to abscond Axxila before the Clone Wars.[ii] He was not above personal ambition, nonetheless, and cultivated contacts throughout the Regal Navy to overcome his Outer Rim birth, recommended the replacement of Xamuel Lennox as commander in the Pakuuni sector in favor of himself in the aftermath of the Battle of Turkana,[11] and schemed to replace Admiral Ozzel as the commander of Decease Squadron.[ii]

Despite what looked like a flawless service record, Piett did make a number of mistakes and blunders throughout his career. What set him apart from his colleagues and allowed him to climb the concatenation of control was his ability to divert arraign onto others.[9] Piett was also a far more creative individual than some of his more by-the-volume colleagues,[eight] and was good at both political maneuvering and appeasing his superiors.[37] In addition to his political and armed services skills, Piett could understand Huttese and speak Basic.[38]

When Piett reached the rank of admiral, he realized that it was not quite the all-time of positions later all, as his mistakes would have more severe consequences. However, his knack for avoiding Vader's anger enabled him to keep the post longer than he otherwise might have.[nine] He immune himself a degree of confidence, and had organized religion in the Navy's ability to complete its task. To that end, he was cheeky of tertiary parties such as bounty hunters and mercenaries, believing that the Navy could practise whatsoever job just also.[25]

Behind the scenes [ ]

"Y'all can't just play a uniform or a single attitude, you have to somehow try to dig up within the parameters of the part something human, because that'due south what the audiences respond to, the humanity. The response I got was because of the humanity, not considering of the uniform, if you encounter what I mean."
―Kenneth Colley [39]

Admiral Piett first appeared in the novelization of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, one month before the release of the film on which it was based. In the film, the grapheme was portrayed by Kenneth Colley. Piett was not originally going to appear in Render of the Jedi, simply fan mail supporting the return of the graphic symbol convinced George Lucas to rehire Colley and write several new lines of dialogue for him.[40] In playing the role, Colley chose not to play a single attitude, but instead attempted to evoke the humanity of Piett'southward character, something that the actor ultimately believed made audiences react so strongly.[39]

In the crude draft for Return of the Jedi, penned past Lawrence Kasdan, there are several differences regarding Piett'south part in the film, in comparison to the shooting script. Instead of beingness stationed over Endor, the Imperial fleet is instead positioned over Had Abbadon. "Thousand Moff" Jerjerrod arrives aboard Vader's control send, and waits for Vader inside the Night Lord's communications chamber. When Vader demands to know where Jerjerrod is, Piett directs him towards the bedchamber, where all surveillance devices have been disabled. Subsequently, the Rebels are able to blow up a communications dish on Had Abbadon, and as alarms wail on the command transport, Piett informs Vader that all communications have been disabled. He also tells Vader that a large Insubordinate forcefulness is incoming. Vader directs Piett to take the fleet and defend the Death Stars under construction over the Green Moon. Vader also instructs Piett to send more troops down to the moon to reinforce the beleaguered General Veers, while the Night Lord plans to take Luke Skywalker to see Emperor Palpatine. Piett'due south decease remained largely the same for the finished film.[41]

For Star Wars: Empire at War, Piett was voiced by Rupert Degas. Over fourth dimension, the character has become a favorite amongst fans, due to his unusual longevity.[42] In 2002, Piett was given the first name "Firmus" in Daniel Wallace's The New Essential Guide to Characters. Wallace derived the name from the Latin word meaning "stiff" or "reliable."[43] [44] In Scoundrel's Luck, a not-canon story path has Han Solo charge Piett of request for a bribe during his inspection of the Millennium Falcon. The accusation forces Piett to go out Solo be, equally opposed to his abort of Solo in the canon storyline.[16] [45]

According to The Essential Guide to Warfare, Piett was built-in in 39 BBY,[2] and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II states that he became a lieutenant[6] effectually 1 BBY.[46] However, the New Essential Guide to Characters also claims that Piett was 26 years old when he became a lieutenant,[1] meaning that he would have received his promotion around 13 BBY instead of 1 BBY.

Appearances [ ]

Non-canon appearances [ ]

  • Vader vs. Artoo & Threepio
  • LEGO Star Wars Two: The Original Trilogy (Appears in cutscene(s))
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Appears in cutscene(s))

Sources [ ]

Notes and references [ ]

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