If I Could Walk Righeously Again

Could You Walk Afterward Getting an Epidural?

Updated on May 12, 2010

J.C. asks from Fort Wayne, IN

26 answers

I am worried that the woman request about natural vs. epidural childbirth is getting some wrong info....So, wondered if those with epidurals could share. Were you completely numb during delivery? Could you walk afterwards? Because I got upward and went pee right later on I was stitched up. I also felt tons of force per unit area and KNEW when I was having contractions because rather than hurting, I felt pressure. I felt the head coming out likewise. I just don't want natural moms to brand new mothers think that if you have an epidural, you lot're putting yourself out of committee and unable to enjoy the nascence. Getting an epidural was the best determination I e'er made! EDITED, I once again want to stress that I walked to the bathroom after commitment was all over.....saying yous are all the time going to exist restricted from walking is the type of thing that I worry about her being told. Everyone's different.

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answers from Kansas City on

My legs were so numb, I couldn't get up for a couple hours afterward. Just I had a catheter in, so it wasn't a big deal. I think they plough down the meds for the actual delivery, because I could experience once more when it neared time to push. Other than restricting me to the bed, and keeping me from hours of unnecessary pain while my body worked to dilate me enough, I tin can't see how it really inverse the commitment procedure at all. It just made information technology less painful. I call back epidurals are great!



answers from Indianapolis on

Aye, you lot are numb after an epidural.........and yous take to stay downwards in bed for a few hours before they volition let you up.............Now this was a while ago, then I don't know if things have gotten better with the time yous must stay in bed afterward or not.........

Yep, information technology was great for me....I'd been in labor a LONG time and it was a relief.

Good Luck to whomever y'all are talking nigh and making certain they are getting adept info.......



answers from Kansas City on

Yes! After all iii :-) For me an epidural is the Just fashion to take a baby! LOL



answers from Columbus on

So - I wanted to go every bit natural as possible (merely kidding myself every bit I accept no pain tolerance) just in example I got at that place to late and at that place wasn't time for an epidural - really, merely trying to go my mindset together..... but once the hurting hit I knew there was no way I could handle it anymore, so in went the epidural - HALLELUIA (did I merely hear angels singing). It was THE BEST matter I did... it but made the pain go away, but that was it. I was happy - I was able to savour the expiereince without the pain... and I volition practice it again!! I recall feeling like I was going to have a bowel movement about the entire time... (and the nurses were very kind... I wanted to get up and utilise the bathroom and they would say no, you lot can do it there if needs be, we'll clean you up.... ummm -hello, embarissing) but - it wasn't that I had to go.. it was the baby putting pressure level on me... so I could feel the babe but non the hurting... and I did get up afterward to go pee - no problem. I completely enjoyed my birthing experience. Natural isn't for everyone - and kudos to those who can handle it - I could non and I am perfectly heathly with a healthy, cute lilliputian girl. Information technology's there for a reason.... proficient luck!



answers from Indianapolis on

I got an epidural and loved it. I did not feel a darn thing while giving nascency and some women want to feel something. I was simply in labor for 4 hours before my son was built-in, and then he came quickly, but they had me upwardly to walk well-nigh an hour after I gave birth and my legs felt a little wobbly when the epidural was wearing off, but I was fine! Glad to exist out of the pain!



answers from Indianapolis on

First, I'll tell you that I didn't want drugs in labor. It wasn't worth the gamble to me or my infant. But, I understand that many women either think the risk isn't significant enough or that women don't actually sympathize the risks. As a doula, I support a woman's choice to get i when they feel they need it. My knowledge is from research, and from my training as a midwife's assistant and a doula, it is non personal experience. But please know that I am very educated on the matter and my statements come from that education, non from an anti-epidural view.

MOST women cannot walk later getting an epidural. Your case is actually rare. There are 2 reasons this happens. i) There is too much medication given to feel anything, and ii) the doc doesn't want to take whatsoever chances. An "epidural light" can be given which tin can, sometimes exit plenty feeling to walk short distances, like to the bathroom, yet, many hospitals don't even have this choice, many automatically order a urine catheter so y'all don't have any reason to get out of bed. Nonetheless, there is more than risk with a "walking epidural" because it's done differently, so many hospitals don't even offer them any more.
No matter your feel, yous need to sympathise that Nearly women with epidurals ARE in fact restricted from walking as before long every bit that needle is placed until at least a couple hours subsequently nascence when they have worn off. Many don't feel whatever force per unit area and that is why and so many end upwards with bad perineal tears - a lack of pain means they can't feel that they should end pushing and permit the tissue stretch naturally (hence your demand for stitching).
Please realize that yous are the exception to the rule, non the norm. Telling your friend that many women can walk with epidurals is a fallacy. Information technology worked for yous and that's keen, but delight don't lead her on to think they are all like that or that they are without risk. She should expect that she won't be able to exist on her anxiety at all, and she should inquire her own md what his/her practices are and what the hospital offers.



answers from Cincinnati on

Once I received the epidural, I was non allowed to go upwards and walk until about 2 hours after delivery. This was according to the hospital staff (I personally believed I could have walked before), who were very firm almost me not standing. However, I had iii doses of the epidural because my labor lasted and then long that the get-go dose wore off, and the second dose didn't take. I could certainly tell the difference between when the epidural was working and when it wasn't, and I was very drastic for the third dose! Still, I was NOT completely numb. I felt some hurting and a LOT of pressure (I had severe tearing, and I knew information technology!) I think the epidural helped me deal with contractions a lot more than it did with the actual birth. I plan to do it once more with this adjacent baby.



answers from San Francisco on

I had epidurals with both kids and with the first I couldn't feel a thing including my legs. I couldn't motility them I was and so numb. I have to add they gave me an actress boost of information technology because I was in pain. That numbed everything 100%. It took longer for me to get up with that one than the second 1. I was given the epidural only forgot I could push the button to go another dose until information technology was to late. The nurses kept asking me if I felt any pressure simply didn't know what they were talking about since I was so numb the first fourth dimension. Suddenly there was serious force per unit area and she was on her style out. I was upward and well-nigh pretty quick with her since I could feel/motility my legs the whole fourth dimension.



answers from Cleveland on

The first dose they gave me didn't work so they gave me some other and I was numb from the ribs down. I couldn't fifty-fifty help them get me on the gurney when the decided they had to practice a c-section. Information technology felt really weird non being able to use my legs but it was better than the pain.



answers from Cleveland on

I only got an epidural with my first, only it actually didn't "kicking" fully in till afterward I delievered. With all my kids (4) the nurses wanted me to call the first time I went to the restroom. Only becuase during a normal delivery there is a lot of claret lose, and some moms exercise get light-headed & pass out, so that what to make sure all is ok & if yous exercise take issues they are there to cautch you. Thus, far I oasis't had any issues with dizziness after delivery, but I do have them help me out of bed for my offset restroom visit. After that I exercise it all by myself & am upward and around quite a fleck... changing diapers, walking the halls, or whatever else I feel like doing.

My legs were kinda comatose when I did go the epiural - personnaly I didn't like the way it made me feel & since it didn't "kick" in till after I delievered I constitute it a waste matter of money. And then, the terminal 3 I went natural with them... information technology wasn't that bad. I delievered really quickly, the hurting was there, but it was over fast & well worth information technology all!



answers from Cleveland on

I completely concur with everyone is different. I besides experienced a great deal of pressure and knew everything that was going on with the delivery. When I received the epidural, it actually made me have to pee every v minutes. I was able to walk to the restroom up until the time I had my child and so again correct subsequently I gave nascency. I did non have any stitches and was fortunate enough to only accept to push button twice earlier my child was born. Then with my 2d child, I was in a great deal of pain fifty-fifty though I had the epidural. I mentioned this to the doctor after my 2nd child was born and she told me that different anasthelogist (sp?) similar to utilize unlike dosages and the i that did my second epidural is known for going light. I also gave nascency within 15 minutes of having the epidural and so I don't know if information technology had time to take effect or not. I am no medical wiz. I do agree that having the epidural was a good decision, merely I guess you lot just never know what the results are going to exist. One more point, after my first commitment, I felt like I had bugs crawling all of my legs and I was told information technology was the epidural wearing off. That did not happen with my second delivery. Thank goodness that is a gross feeling.


answers from Los Angeles on

with my get-go, I had one and I was completly numb from the waste downward. I couldn't even motion. I was not even able to get upwards and walk for at to the lowest degree 1/2 a mean solar day later.
With my second I did get one again, but it failed. I was just numb from my correct human knee down. I could feel everything. I nigh passed out from the pain. I retrieve the nurses kept trying to make me stay awake between contractions, and wanting to scream when I was having them.
So, for me, I was constricted to the bed for a LONG time afterward on the outset time. 2nd time, wasn't and so bad, just I slept afterward and didn't even try to get upward because I was and so tired



answers from Minneapolis on

I was numb for at least an hr if not two hours after delivery. They did encourage me to go upward and walk to the bathroom afterwards about 1 1/2 hours, but I needed assistance considering my leg were very shakey. I was as well unable to feel the awareness to urinate for hours later the epidural wore off. I did experience incredible pressure level when I was fully dialated and ready to push, although I could not experience my son actually coming out. I withal experience very indifferent nearly the fact that I had the epidural. I will probably not go that route with future births, but will instead go without the use of whatsoever drug. An epidural is going to be so dissimilar for every woman and the only mode to know the side furnishings is to accept it administered. Every woman has different feelings about the employ of hurting managment durring labor and whether they will or will not use them. I walk into that delivery room with the mindset that I would non be using any drugs, merely in the whirl air current of me getting there in active labor those plans somehow inverse.



answers from Detroit on

whether you tin walk or not probably depends on the drug level in the epidural.. with my outset.. she was stuck and they had to use forecepts.. they gave me a large dose of epidural medicine.. quickly sabbatum me up to the medicine could go downward my spine to numb my bottom..then they pulled her out.. I was worn out and likewise tired to walk.. I dont think that I even tried to walk for a while..I walked within i-ii hours..

with my 2d.. I pushed 4 times he popped out.. the nurse got me upwardly to go to the bathroom and I could walk fine..

every delivery is unlike..


answers from Oklahoma City on

I waited equally long every bit I could before the epidural and it was immediate releif from the contractions but I could still feel everything else! It was like trying to concord the biggest p in ever, I did feel her coming out just not the contraction pinches. I didn't go completely nimb i still held my legs upwards and had to walk to the bathroom as shortly every bit they had me ina room. Epidurals aren't as scary every bit they seem and your non harming your baby if you want to become one, my niggling girl wasn't drugged up at all she was very alarm even though i did have to have an oxygen mask for a picayune while.



answers from Columbus on

i got an epidural and had some blood pressure problems and then i had to lay on my side. plain epidurals work with gravity and on the side i laid on i was completely numb on i side but felt everything on the other. while i was pushing it started to even back out. but i kind of got to experience both ways at once and with the epidural i notwithstanding felt the pressure from the contractions but not the excruting pain. so i feel similar i was able to relish the commitment more than than if i was in pain the whole time. and the infirmary i was at had a mirror on the celing that tilted down so that i could see my girl as she entered the world. it was very nice. when i have my side by side child i will exist getting an epidural over again. i would recommend that nobody feel guilted in to not having it done



answers from Pittsburgh on

I had 1 leg more numb the other, i call up ane i had to accept my hubby concur upwards for me....i could barely feel pressure level from contractions and couldn't feel much of anything down there...i know i could feel release when the baby'due south head finally came out and and so the remainder of the body, but that was information technology. I needed a little assistance walking when information technology finally came time to move me...merely i didn't feel out of committee and definitely enjoyed it more than than if i was feeling pain.



answers from Seattle on

I had an epi... they adjusted the dose and then that in the commencement I was completely numb (I took a nap, as a matter of fact... but I'd been stuck in transition for several hours)... and then they lowered the dose until by the time of the actual birth I wasn't numb at all. x minutes afterwards kiddo was born I was upward walking around, using the bath was one of the outset things I did. No tearing, no episiotomy, no stitches.



answers from Toledo on

I was able to go to the bathroom pretty quickly after both of my epidurals. Information technology'southward non like yous spit the baby out and you have to become to the bath immediately. There is plenty of time for it to wear off before you need to become. The nurses helped me upwards to the bathroom the first time without any problems. I have had two epidurals (for my 2nd and 3rd kids) and am very thankful for them. I believe that having an epidural allowed me to exist relaxed and focused considering I wasn't in miserable pain. My second epidural was admittedly AMAZING and information technology could not have had a more than perfect delivery. There was a huge difference between my two epidurals/deliveries. My showtime I could however experience some hurting and a ton of pressure and my 2nd I could non feel any hurting and barely any pressure. Either way, I was able to relax and not exhaust myself before the baby came. When the babe came, I had the energy to bask them. With both of
them, I was up walking pretty chop-chop. I would definitely have an epidural if I e'er take more than kids. The way I look at it is that if the resource are available to make you more comfy....so have advantage of them. One more matter, I likewise had my first child without an epidural and information technology was torture and not an enjoyable experience compared to the two with the epidurals.



answers from Cleveland on

I had my first child, "natural", with the second I had some IV meds to accept the edge off and with my third i was due to become my tubes tied and then I had an epi. All I have to say is that if I need meds with this delivery, (7 years later and I had my tubes untied and we are due in Dec.) I will become for the IV meds. The epi was the worst experience i had. It was the longest labor, and rather than dull the pain it made my legs itch, and even when I begged them, they did non let me upwards to apply the restroom after delivery.

When considering your pain direction options in kid nativity, Ask the hospital what their methods are, and what restrictions come with each, each is dissimilar, and just like different doctors have different practices, each hospital volition have it's ain fashion of doing things.



answers from Dallas on

Yes, they are great! I didn't want one upwards front just ended up caving later on, very expert pick. I pushed for nearly 2 hours (my daughter was face up-up) and ended up TEARING. I didn't feel the tear at all, merely force per unit area and "vibrations" through contractions and delivery. Another plus- I didn't have to be numbed upwards for the stitching. ;)

Yep, you have to be restricted to bed (apparently) just information technology'south worth information technology. I could really still move my legs a little bit merely when they got me up out of bed a couple of hours later to take me to my pp room, I almost flattened the nurse b/c my legs were even so pretty weak.



answers from Cincinnati on

I couldn't motion from the waist down hours later nascency. I want a natural birth and am willing to try once more without the epidural because it was definitly not what I wanted at all. I was talked into it past the nurses. Very disappointed. Sorry, I know it's non what you wanted simply yeah.



answers from Dayton on

Definitely it's sooo different for every delivery. I accept iii kids. First i, I was 17 hours in labor. Without an epidural I don't call up I could have made it. I was so tired when he was born that I was already falling asleep at the terminate of the commitment. No way I could take even tried walking so simply I could feel all the pressure level and some pain. The ob was great making sure that I would not tear so I think that'due south a team effort. Second infant was a 6 hr labor. I got so numbed I didn't even know when to push. It was wonderful though... I wasn't tired and I got to savour my baby more without the pain or tiredness. I could also walk nearly one-half hour afterward. Third infant was built-in afterward 2 hours of having contractions. Barely made it to the infirmary. I had an epidural but it didn't piece of work and it was extremely painful. The nurses had used 2 bags of iv and my bladder was Actually full. I call back that's why my epidural didn't work and I was in so much pain. No manner I could walk later on that. But all my kids were born very alert and I don't see how the epidural could have affected them except on my ain alacrity... without/little epidural I could not spend fourth dimension with them since I was exhausted. The one the work was great and I spend the rest of the morn with my infant :)
I have friend that had her babies in a tub at the hospital and she had pretty easy labors and could walk well after but it'south all about your personal tolerance to pain and preparedness to tolerate it.



answers from New York on


I had an epidural during my extremely long, difficult delivery.I was numb, but the moment my daughter made her final push into the world, OUCH. I don't think whatever amount of anesthetic would have shielded me from that. But it was over in minutes. My recovery was pretty easy, with the but difficulty being the inability to pee right after, despite feeling similar I had to go. That was abrasive, and it lasted near xx minutes. But I had no mobility problems.



answers from Cleveland on

After getting the epidural I was completely numb. The just thing I felt was that urge to button, but absolutely no pain during the whole thing :) Afterward I delivered my son and was stitched upward for some tearing, they had me become up right away to use the restroom and motility me into another room. I was actually surprised at how quickly they wanted me to get up. The nurse assisted me with walking, only I wasn't completely numb and could accept probably done it without her help. It just would have taken me a while because I hadn't stood up in so long, and I had just gotten stitches.



answers from Atlanta on

The first time I had an epidural it just stopped my dorsum labor (which was a approving) but I could experience everything else. I wasn't numb anywhere, which I kept telling people, and just when the medico went to stitch me upward and I flinched and told her she needed to give me a shot of lidocaine or something did anyone seem to believe me! I walked immediately after that one.

With my second, I was BLISSFULLY numb -equally in "Wow, I can't believe this thing is actually my leg!" numb. Even so, within four hours of giving birth I was able to walk. Subsequently my commencement child I couldn't understand what all the hoo-ha over how fantastic epidurals are was, but subsequently the second I empathize! I SLEPT through most of my labor, and after my outset labor, I certainly don't feel similar I missed out on anything!


Source: https://www.mamapedia.com/article/could-you-walk-after-getting-an-epidural

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