How Can Amirs Helping Sohrab a Way for Amir to Be Good Again

Asked past: Farhad Gukasov
asked in category: Full general Last Updated: 16th June, 2020

Does Amir become good again?

Amir becomes good again by returning to Transitional islamic state of afghanistan and rescuing Sohrab, who, he discovers is his nephew. Since he had failed Hassan when they were both children, this is a form of redemption for him.

In "The Kite Runner", the master grapheme, Amir, attempts to redeem himself to rid himself of his guilt of incidents that occurred during his childhood. Although, in the end Amir finally achieves redemption, it is a journey to reach redemption throughout the novel.

Additionally, why does Amir go back to Kabul? Rahim Khan relays to him the unfortunate bulletin and convinces him to go back to Transitional islamic state of afghanistan in search of his nephew, Sohrab. Amir agrees to become on the journey in office to rescue his nephew and face up his "demons." He knows that if Hassan were alive, he would have wanted naught else but the survival of his son.

Also question is, what does Rahim Khan mean when he says there is a mode to be good again?

Rahim Khan essentially means that there is a fashion for Amir to atone for his past sins and redeem himself past telling him that there is a way to exist practiced again.

Is Amir a good person?

374, Par ane)Amir, by saving Sohrab and atoning for the expose of Hassan, has made himself into a skillful person. Information technology is considering of Amir'south strength, the change in him as a person, and his overall devotion to his friend Hassan, is what makes Amir a hero.

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